
The Anna Lindh Foundation

Decoration image

The Anna Lindh Euro-Med Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures (Anna Lindh Foundation or ALF) was founded in 2004 with its headquarters in Alexandria (Egypt)

The Anna Lindh Foundation focuses its intercultural action around three pillars: Empowering young voices; Influencing policymakers; Building a movement for dialogue and exchange in the face of growing mistrust and polarization among societies.

The Foundation is a network of networks with more than 4000 members from 42 Euro-Med countries. Each network has a national coordinator appointed by the ministry of foreign affairs or elected by the members. 

The National Museums of World Culture (Världskulturmuseerna) is the coordinator of the Anna Lindh Foundation network in Sweden. In April 2024, the Swedish network elected three advisory committee members: 

  1. Bilal Almobarak, Support Group Network (Vänersborg)
  2. Nasma Salim, PeaceWorks Sweden (Stockholm)
  3. Farhia Nur, STPLN (Malmö)

The Swedish network receives an annual support from the Swedish Ministry of Culture for holding activities with members of the network and establish cross border collaboration to facilitate partnership for the Swedish civil society. In addition, the Swedish network is supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation through the network support scheme.

The Network is open to institutions, organisations and other partners who adhere to the principles and the mission of the Anna Lindh Foundation which work on the basis of democratic, pluralistic, and multilateral values.

Membership in the Swedish network is open to NGOs; Public institutions, including local and regional authorities; public and private "not for profit" Foundations; other "for profit" partners promoting "not for profit" activities and corporate social responsibility policies. However, the Network is not open to political parties or organizations and projects owned by political parties nor to individuals.

Members List


Swedish network internal rules (in English)

For more information, please contact the network coordinator: Rasha Shaaban at rasha.shaaban(at)varldskulturmuseerna.se

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